Weill portrays a single, green girl's helpless loneliness in a big city (it's always NYC) with such authenticity and delicacy; Susan's not selfish but only scared, of being WITH someone and making up her own calls. And that's not only the struggle of being single but also being a single woman during the 1970s after the 2nd-wave feminism movement. Yet it remains pertinent now more than ever: How hard is it to be in the counterculture when mainstream prevails? How would marriage do to friendships? What's it like to maintain the female perspective? Frances Ha's answer pales like a superficial YA novel in front of this one.
一部让我等了足足七年的电影七年前因懒床错过附近香港百老汇电影中心的放映七年后终于在澳门恋爱电影馆圆梦观影吉他、橘猫与民谣相伴穷困潦倒、居无定所的音乐旅人以契合主题的经典民谣《一路向西无删减》直抒漂泊追梦的胸臆故事波澜不惊兜兜转转又是一个轮回原声音乐清醇悠扬宁神醉人最喜欢的当属主题曲《一路向西无删减》和俏皮欢蹦的《爱情与灵药完整版》Adam Driver的伴唱鬼马带可爱倍增趣味Garrett Hedlund的客串大为惊喜出场一股《谍影重重3》“跨掉的一代”的潇洒范儿PS:这片惊现Adam Driver和Alex Karpovsky两位《姬丽哈泽尔10分钟》的主演客串科恩兄弟故意的[三星半][5.26看的]